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What you may not realise is that you already spend part of your day in hypnotic trance; if you have found yourself on autopilot driving to work so much so that you cannot remember what route you took or have simply spent time daydreaming, oblivious to all that's around you, you will already be, consciously or unconsciously, familiar with hypnotic trance.


In a structured hypnotherapy session, this relaxed state is induced to enable therapist and client to focus on the unconscious mind to support behaviour change. The unconscious mind contains memories, thoughts and feelings from childhood, most of which we do not remember but which often drive our present behaviours. When in hypnotic trance, the unconscious mind is at its most powerful, and therefore is highly receptive to positive suggestions and instigation of desired behaviour change. Focussing on the issue that you have identified, we work together to enact this change. 

There is a common misconception that hypnotherapists control the people that they are working with. This is not the case. The truth is in fact that all hypnosis is self hypnosis; you will never do anything or behave in any way that does not feel appropriate or right for you. You are in control at all times.  

It is perfectly normal to feel nervous before your first session, especially if you haven't experienced hypnotherapy before. Rest assured you are in safe hands however and the therapy session will be very much guided by you. I will follow you and go at your pace.

So how can hypnotherapy help you?

Hypnotherapy can be very successful in treating a huge range of issues. A small sample are listed below:

  • Breaking habits and unhelpful behaviours

  • Managing problematic thoughts

  • Managing stress, anxiety and panic

  • Dealing with phobias

  • Emotional issues

  • Dealing with anger

  • Developing confidence and self esteem

  • Increasing performance

  • Public speaking and job interviews

  • Pain management

  • Weight management

  • Smoking cessation

  • Enhancing feelings of relaxation

  • Fertility issues

  • Hypnobirthing

Please don't worry if your concern or issue is not listed above. I work with the person sitting in front of me and focus very much on what you bring into the therapy room. This means that every session is different: They are all tailored uniquely to you and your ability to bring about lasting change within your life.

Whilst hypnotherapy can have extremely successful outcomes, it does take effort on the part of the client and the relationship with the therapist; I consider it to be a 50/50 partnership. Equally,  it is important you are coming for you and it is something you want to do. Please contact Amy on email or telephone to discuss your individual circumstances. It is important to note that whether you decide to work with me as your therapist or not, everything you share will be dealt with in strict confidence.

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